Espial Solution LLP

The Power of Visuals: How Image SEO Can Supercharge Your Rankings

Images are one of the vital contents on a site that no one can ignore. Approximately 32% of marketers consider images to be the most essential piece of content, helping visitors quickly understand what your business is all about. Moreover, 51% of B2B marketers prioritize creating visual assets as a crucial part of their content marketing strategy.


Regarding search engine optimization (SEO), sites with images tend to generate more traffic than sites containing pure text. Therefore, professional SEO services in Mumbai practice image SEO to help your website secure higher search rankings.

Let’s learn how image SEO can supercharge your website’s rankings.

Importance of Image Optimization in SEO 

High-quality images can bring your content to life. If appropriately done under the guidance of a professional SEO company in Mumbai, image SEO can help increase a site’s rankings in the following ways:



Reduced site loading time

Large, clunky, and unoptimized images can reduce your site loading speed, frustrating your users and thus making them switch to other websites. Optimizing images can increase your site’s loading speed and decrease the bounce rate, positively impacting users.

Enhanced user experience

A website taking too much time to lead doesn’t provide the best user experience. Optimizing your images can reduce site load time and ensure an enhanced user experience while meeting their expectations.


Improved engagement

Image optimization will improve the visual content you post on your website, which, in turn, increases user engagement. A study shows that visuals are processed around 60,000 times faster than the content in text form. Moreover, users retweet the tweets with images 150% more than tweets without images.

Appearing in image searches

Adding optimized images to the content you post on your site increases their chance of appearing in image searches. The higher the image search rankings, the more clicks your website will get, expanding your business visibility.

Best Image SEO Practices to Supercharge Your Rankings

Here are some ways you can optimize images on your site:

Provide a relevant title

The easiest way to optimize your image is by giving it an excellent and relevant title. Your digital marketing company in Mumbai can incorporate relevant keywords to the image title to optimize the picture.

Use Alt tags

Adding alt tags will help search engines better understand what your image is all about. Search engines can quickly locate such pictures and display them on SERPs. Moreover, alt tags help site users rapidly find your SEO-optimized images and website online.

Resize your images

Large images can reduce your site loading speed. Since most users load up to three seconds for a site, optimizing the site’s speed is vital. Resizing and compressing your images is one of many ways to prevent your website from slowing down. It will reduce their file size without compromising the image’s quality and, thus, increase your site loading speed.

Place an image caption.

Often, users see images first on a webpage, making captions under images a vital tool for communication. Poynter research shows that captions attract 16% more readership than text. When adding captions, keep them short and simple, match them to the image’s tone, and use them as headlines for your pictures.

Ignite Your Rankings with the Magnetic Allure of Visuals

Optimizing images might seem like extra work, but its benefits can be rewarding. Image SEO is one of the effective SEO strategies to increase your site’s search rankings and drive more readership. Moreover, image optimization has made sharing photos on social media easier, which further helps in the company’s marketing campaigns. If you need professional help with image optimization, contact the best digital marketing agency in Mumbai, known for improving clients’ SEO campaigns. For a free consultation, you can email

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