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Ways to Optimize Your Site for Voice Search to Gain Future SEO Success

Do you all know the market size of voice recognition and search will increase from US$ 10.7 billion in 2020 to US$ 27.16 billion in 2026. One of the most significant advancements in the 21st century is the application of voice search. An automatic speech recognition system is installed in smart devices that can listen to and convert voices into texts to seek specific information from a website or an application.

It has become ragingly popular to install voice search features in website architecture. Google says that more than 27% of the modern global population is using voice search at least once. Imagine the massive response from the users! This statistical information shows how important it is to introduce voice search optimization for websites and applications for better outreach to global users.

Ways to optimize websites for voice search

More than 71% of the users prefer using voice search over typing on Google or any website for seeking information. It is more convenient and highly responsive. For all these reasons, voice search has become a prime feature that influences the SEO of a website. Here is a list of ways SEO experts suggest websites and applications optimize for voice search.

1. Using conversational keys

We are all aware that vague keywords can trample down your SEO performance. In this context, you need to focus on conversational words used for searching. Find out these conversational keywords to include in the voice search features. For instance, use complete phrases and questions relevant to the products/services. It will automatically uplift the SEO level of your online presence.

2. FAQ section

FAQ pages can be the key to a better SEO level for your online portal. Search engines often pick questions. It can also aid in creating a proper voice search optimizing strategy. Users will ask standard questions to seek answers. Search engines can write and pick these questions, and users will get appropriate answers. Hence, your website or application’s visibility will automatically increase.

3. Multilingual features

Including multilingual features enable you to go local and global simultaneously. Focus on the efficiency of the content translation for local SEO using voice search. This feature makes your online presence more recognizable by search engines.

4. Google Business Profile

You will be surprised to know that the users use this excellent feature to find out about local businesses and seek information. If you build a Google Business Profile, your presence will be noted by the search engines. Local searches will get your business address quicker via voice search optimization.

5. Mobile-friendly online portals

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, as nearly 20% of the queries raised on mobiles come through voice searches. Hence, your website should be responsive to smartphones used these days. The readability and loading time of a website should be well-optimized with fewer or no interstitials.

Voice search for better SEO

Flow with the trend and optimize for voice searchGet your website or application recognized by the search engines to increase reach and organic traffic.

If you are looking for a professional and results-driven SEO Service Provider, please feel free to reach out to us for your specific SEO or digital marketing needs.